a magazine that hands you a drink, introduces you to new people, and engages you in bold conversations and fascinating stories.
A Primer will never try to
intimidate you or do small talk. It’s opinionated without being pushy, principled without being self-righteous, intellectual without being academic, artful without being snobby. After encountering a Primer, you leave with new perspectives to weigh, new names to remember, new ideas to latch onto, new questions.
Just like the Primers of the past, which introduced students to the discoveries of reading and learning, our Primer aims to reshape perspectives with the same easy, playful embrace.
In this volume, we’re offering a primer exploring our understandings of space:
the areas we traverse, the rooms we occupy, the sites where we live, and love, and define ourselves.
What are the spaces that transform us?
How do we define them?
Do we adapt to spaces or do they adapt to us?
We’re searching for short prose works (fiction or non-fiction) and visual art that is set in, explores, or reflects on such spaces, offering readers a new foundations for interrogating them.
Written submissions should be no longer than 8,000 words.
Visual submissions can be sent in any format with the following information: Title, medium, year created, & brief description.
If you have submitted to another publication, please indicate.
Submissions can be sent to
before March 14th